This little boy or girl will have so much love awaiting it's arrival it is going to just get plain crazy! So many blessings sent to the expecting mama and the little nug she's building and yes I mean BUILDING. I can't remember which comedian spoke of his wife being prego and he came home one day to see her lounging around and made the mistake of asking a prego woman "what did you do all day?..." her response was priceless and I will use it one day I am sure of it "well honey I grew an arm, yesterday a pair of legs, and tomorrow maybe some ears" I know those weren't his exact words of what had happened but so many people who know about pregnancy know that little one with our prayers will develop nothing like this expecting mama described to give her hubby a reality check...
Even though we're not planning to begin "trying" for a nug of our own for a while... I have sure learned a ton of random things about babies growing, baby's arrival, and all that comes with the experience. I am so thankful to know so many kick ass moms including my own. A slew of babies were born last year to folks a part of my life. Whether I see them nearly every time I'm home, once every couple of years, or via FB I am so happy for them and proud to know those little ones have one heck of a mama that'll have their back through the toughest shit. You know who you are J, M, S, J, L, N, L, many others including the ones expecting this year alone.
I have also learned things to avoid and so many of them have shared direct situations with me...which I know is venting, but my words don't count for a whole lot at least I don't think they can be creditable as I am not yet a mother. As stated in my opening blog I see things from multiple perspectives and cannot say I ever aim to judge anyone involved...
So even though thousands can say "If it were me I would do blah blah blah" here is a culmination of things we ourselves may have put our own parents through and should try to avoid at all costs...
Someone has been waiting far too long to get his GTL, mostly the tan part obviously...
The Vacationer
The day this begins to even happen anywhere on the planet with my future child, all of you as my witness will know I will scoop up my child and begin my super walk back to the space car we arrived in...
The Floor Cleaner
Taking it back with this one...I have a potty mouth from time to time, but we all know when the sailor should check out.
The Sweet Adorable Sailor
I know I will try my best someday to raise bright, respectful kids and there will only be so much I can control in their little lives. I hope that each ma or pa agrees as much as we want them to be precious little real it has to start with you at home. The right actions and words are soaked up by the little sponges as soon as they can see and hear. Remember they do here sound in the womb ;) Until it is my time I think this is all the baby talk I will be fear or baby fever here. . . yet~